Our Mission
Our mission is to be a center that continuously develops itself by leveraging research and practical experiences, and offers effective educational solutions to our students and regional needs through high-quality distance education activities.

Our Vision
Our vision is to continuously improve by benefiting from research and practical experiences and to offer effective educational solutions to our students and regional needs through high-quality distance education activities.

Our Objectives
- To provide the necessary instructional infrastructure based on information and communication technologies for associate, undergraduate, completion, and graduate programs to be conducted via distance education,
- To contribute to the training of qualified personnel by offering certificate programs tailored to regional and national needs,
- To develop educational content for distance education in collaboration with experts, based on specific quality standards, and make it available to students,
- To provide necessary technical support to students and instructors involved in distance education activities,
- To coordinate, conduct, and evaluate exams for the assessment of distance education students,
- To carry out public relations and promotional activities related to distance education applications within the center,
- To conduct research and development (R&D) activities in the field of distance education.